Artist Carlos Estrada Vega
Natural Foods Author Rob Connoley in the Gila Wilderness NM
Natural Foods Author Rob Connoley in the Gila Wilderness NM
Natural Foods Author Rob Connoley in the Gila Wilderness NM
Natural Foods Author and Restauranteur Rob Connoley
Cover of NM Journey Magazine

Artists Dan Tapper and OrDima

Artist Georjeanna Feltha

Educator and Legislator J Paul Taylor, Mesilla NM

Designer Bobby Creel Clark

Artist Jacob Pfeiffer

Artist Michael Ponce

Artist Rosemary McLoughlin

Greg Decker | Sherry Doil Carter

Ft Selden NM

Dr Miguel Pirela Cruz | Dr Michael Foote
Nicolas Tejeda, Hospital of Providence CEO, El Paso TX

Teako Nunn, Sparky's Cafe, Hatch NM
What is an editorial assignment? Editorial work can be about places, people, events and news, with the intended purpose to inform or tell a story. Typically I work with a photo editor or an art director who communicate what they're looking for in the photos. But I'm always on the lookout for unexpected photo opportunities that can bring visual excitement to the images. I always seek to capture the environment surrounding a story, so photos centered on a personality may be accompanied by interesting landscape or still life shots that visually fill out the story.